Couples Therapy /Marriage Counseling
Finding the right marriage counselor can be daunting and anxiety provoking. It can also mean the difference of ending up with a divorce or finding your current challenges as a new opportunity to grow as a couple. As a marriage counselor, I assist couples in understanding the patterns they create with one another that are dysfunctional and creating missed opportunities. I balance both individuals' needs and perspectives in order to create breakthroughs that feel natural and sustainable. My focus is centered on each partner growing in unison with the other to achieve a deeper emotional connection, get their needs appropriately met, and improve the small daily interactions that make all the difference.
Is your marriage failing to thrive? Do you find you and your partner...
are not feeling emotionally connected?
are passive aggressive, screaming/yelling, being silent after an argument?
believe that divorce is your best option?
seldom have sex or are having an affair?
spend more time separate or focusing on your children?
Treatment Specialties Include
Limited Sexual and Emotional Intimacy
Consistently Arguing About the Same Topics Without Resolve
Resentment from Unresolved Past Issues
Lying and lack of trust
Balancing Marriage and Raising Children
In-Law Conflicts
Stress Related to Physically or Mentally Handicapped Children
Empty Nest Syndrome
Depression or Anxiety in One Partner Affecting the Marriage.